SRI LANKA: Assault on Pastor Leads to Charges Against Him

01 February 2023

SRI LANKA Assault on Pastor Leads to Charges Against Him

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

On 21 September, Pastor Tony B of Anuradhapura province in Sri Lanka investigated a noise outside his gate and was assaulted by two men with a shovel, demanding that he stop his religious activities. He was able to crawl back into the house before the men began breaking windows and causing other damage.

When the pastor’s son heard the commotion and responded, he too was knocked down and beaten, then hospitalised for three days for his injuries.

During the initial investigation, the police promised to arrest the two attackers, but six days later they instead filed charges against Pastor Tony for inciting the attack.

Though the charges were proved false, local officials sealed the family’s home and confiscated church property. The family and church members ask for prayers that they would be strengthened in their faith and be bold witnesses for Christ amid this persecution.


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    Pray for them

    Pray for justice and provision on behalf of the family and congregation.

    Ask the Lord to give courage to Pastor Tony and his son to help them to overcome the ordeal.

    Ask the Lord to use this incident for good and the expansion of His kingdom in the area.

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