VIETNAM: From the Field

08 February 2023

VIETNAM From the Field

The persecution of Christians in Vietnam frequently occurs in the highlands and remote rural areas.

The most common reasons for harassment, mistreatment, discrimination and even imprisonment, include preaching the gospel illegally and gathering without permission.

Brother Minh generously allows the use of his home for church gatherings. He and his family love the Lord but he has been persecuted and beaten for his faith and church activities.

Recently, Minh was riding home after visiting some church members, when he noticed that there was a group of men following him. Without warning, they suddenly rammed his motorcycle, causing him to lose control of the bike and he collided with a cement pole. The group then fled the scene.

Minh, still conscious called one of our front-line workers for help, who soon arrived and transported Mihn to a local hospital, where he was found to have multiple injuries. He was then taken to a larger, better-equipped hospital for treatment which included surgery for his leg which had been broken in four places.

Thanks to our supporters, VOM Australia paid for Mihn’s treatment. He has now been discharged and has returned home.

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    Pray for them

    Please pray for a complete recovery for Mihn. Pray too that his faith will continue to be strong.

    Thank the Lord for the faithful believers who continue to love the Lord and serve His people, even when they face opposition.

    Thank the Lord for the growth of the church in Vietnam. Pray for those who persecute the believers.

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