Pakistan: Bibles Plus From the Field

28 May 2024


The majority of parents in the community are employed in brick kilns. Some parents have succeeded in educating a few of their children to a basic level. Thanks to the Bibles Plus campaign, for the first time, these teens and pre-teens were able to receive their own Bibles, which they eagerly studied to deepen their faith.

They were excited to learn more about God’s Word and gain a better understanding of their faith. One individual expressed that it had been difficult for them to maintain their belief in God, especially when surrounded by non-believers. They felt like they were losing hope and lacked proper knowledge of their faith. However, the distribution of Bibles proved to be a lifeline for them, renewing their faith and providing them with the necessary knowledge to continue on their spiritual journey. They expressed their gratitude for the work done by the team, thanking them for fulfilling the call of God.

The distribution included prayer and worship sessions, which were conducted in an open area. By providing Bibles and essential food necessities, VOM has brought joy and hope to these individuals, leaving them in awe of the organisation’s compassion. The transformative power of the Bible has given them a renewed sense of purpose and faith, while the provision of food has affirmed their worth and reminded them that they are not forgotten.

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