The village of Kalay Wala in Tehsil, Kasur District, Punjab, has become the epicentre of a tense and potentially volatile situation after two Christian twin brothers were arrested and charged with blasphemy on Tuesday 27 August. The brothers, Tabish Shahid and Yeshua alias Kalu, both 18 years old, stand accused of desecrating pages of the Koran, according to local sources.
The situation began when Tabish and Yeshua, who come from a very poor and uneducated family, attended the Urs (Muslim religious festival) at a local shrine. According to sources close to the family, the boys had gone to the shrine to watch the festivities and make TikTok videos. Unaware of the significance of the papers they had come across, the brothers mistakenly tore pages from a booklet that included Koranic verses, thinking they were simply wastepaper. They threw these torn pages into the air, imitating the celebratory gestures they observed from others who were tossing money.
The actions of the boys were quickly noticed by some attendees, leading to accusations of blasphemy. Fearing for their lives, the boys fled the scene. However, the situation took a grave turn when the police detained their mother, Nazia Shahid, and a maternal uncle, demanding the boys be handed over in exchange for their release. Under intense pressure, the family complied, and the boys were surrendered to the police. Their mother was subsequently released, but the family remains in deep distress.
Compounding the situation, another boy named Abid was also arrested in connection with the case. Abid’s father, Pastor Saddique, has publicly denied his son’s involvement, stating that Abid had recently undergone surgery and was physically unable to participate in the Urs. Saddique took to social media, pleading for his son’s release and emphasising that as Christians, they do not partake in such religious festivals. He has called on the authorities to release his son immediately, stressing that Abid was wrongly accused.
The case of Tabish, Yeshua, and Abid highlights the precarious situation faced by religious minorities in Pakistan, where even a minor misunderstanding can escalate into a life-threatening situation. The arrest of the two brothers has led to widespread fear among the local Christian community. Many families have reportedly fled their homes, fearing possible reprisals or violence from hardline Islamist groups that often react strongly to blasphemy allegations.
While the situation has stabilised somewhat following the boys’ arrests, tension remains high in the area, with many Christian residents still fearing for their safety. The outcome of this case could have significant implications for religious minorities across the country, further highlighting the urgent need for legal reforms and protections for vulnerable groups.
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