BHUTAN: Gospel Workers Persevere Despite Pressures

19 June 2024

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

In Bhutan, 88% of nationals are Buddhists; approximately 1% are Christians. The king identifies himself as the defender of the Buddhist faith, and the government works covertly to discourage the spread of Christianity. Christians are restricted by federal laws and persecuted by local authorities. Christians are viewed as followers of a foreign, Western religion. There is no opportunity for the legal registration of churches in Bhutan. Christians often lose their jobs and are unable to find work because of their faith. Many Christians must worship in secret.

Because of geographical isolation, in addition to the hostility towards Christianity, Christians in Bhutan face pressure from many directions. However, front-line workers in Bhutan continue to live out their faith in Christ and reach out with the gospel.

One gospel worker asked for prayer that their youth and women’s programmes and training programmes for Sunday school teachers will be adequately resourced. A church in central Bhutan is looking for a way to move from its cramped meeting space in a private home into a larger facility for worship. Another worker requested prayer for leaders engaged in evangelism in remote border areas.


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    Pray for them

    Praise God for the faithful witness of front-line workers in Bhutan. Pray for protection and leading.

    Ask the Holy Spirit to embolden local believers to take every opportunity to share the gospel with their communities.

    Ask God to supply the needs of the church for fellowship and outreach. Pray that, despite the difficulties, Christians will continue to meet together to worship the Lord and encourage one another in the faith.

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